Damn It! It’s Live.

Damn It's Live

Damn it’s Live!

Lol, I’ve launched various digital products, platforms and partnerships at venues ranging from Wembley Stadium to IMAX London and The Shard, but didn’t really have an clue of how to launch a personal website.

The funny thing is, under duress, I actually registered the domain in 2016 I think, but I so love invisibility I’ve created a million different reasons (nay, excuses) for not making it live… ‘just yet’.

I guess part of it, which someone was surprised to hear me say the other day, was ‘fear’. I got to fearing that the things I’m passionate about maybe aren’t things other people are passionate about too. Maybe there’s not genuine interest out there amongst others for the lives, life chances, progress of young people or what’s going on with business, communications or tech innovation. And I really love keeping my counsel (and invisibility) and trusting in my work to speak for itself.

So I’ve chosen Linkedin – my ‘panic room’ - as fortunately I know there are quite a few on here who, for whatever reason, have found value in connecting and collaborating with me. Most aren’t (totally) nuts, but there are enough people on LinkedIn who have backed, supported, encouraged and even empowered me to keep pushing forward; to create Slenky as a platform and a tool for business and young people. You’ve come from pretty much every sector and you have no idea how grateful I am for your existence so; if ever your loved ones fail to tell you, I will.
You’re truly appreciated… thank you.

I've had to post this a couple of times and tagged a million of you, but still missed out loads of others!

So I don’t know if there’s a right or a wrong way to announce yourself on the interweb. I’m on the interweb.


Chill… There Will Be A Tomorrow