The Magic Sauce in Change - Partnership & Collaboration

Travelling daily to Wembley Park from as far away as Croydon, Walthamstow and Hastings (yes Hastings), at the time of writing this note, Slenky’s partnership with Brent Council and Ultra Education, ‘Take Your Shot Studios’, is already home to over 30 digital Founders and teams.

Not that it’s surprising Digital Entrepreneurs would want to be in Wembley Park, but considering the Studios officially opened only in March, we never anticipated over 50 people moving into the Studios in such a short space of time.

Collaborate to avoid…

3 hour meetings, 15-point agendas, loads of jibba-jabba, 10 pages of minutes, annual workplans, annual strategies, annual surveys and consultations, annual reports and, of course… the focus groups.

One of the most encouraging aspects of developing the Studios’ has been how surprisingly easy it has been to partner with Brent Council.

Councils are notoriously really difficult for tech businesses to collaborate with, more often weighed down by outdated processes and approaches that frequently the staff following them no longer believe in, but are forced to work with.

It means all too often councils are sitting on the sidelines whilst believing they’re on the pitch. Busy meeting, drawing up agendas and minutes, annual workplans, strategies, consultations, reports and focus groups - rather than finding the smartest ways of responding to local needs they know exist.

Some councils are susceptible to trying to be all things to everything - administering parking, sanitation and council tax, and other key services with their specialist abilities, whilst simultaneously stepping into lanes that don’t fit the persona, operations and skill sets - such as tech and entrepreneurship. Setting up or entering new lanes can be a very expensive practice.

Different? Great - let’s go

Brent has been going in a different direction for a few years now, they seem to appreciate their strengths lay in partnering, and Slenky’s partnered with the Council on digital skills, events, mobile engagement, content creation and now a digital growth space.

Make S*** Happen!

My humble take - it’s about Leadership being ready and willing to move beyond accustomed process to action and change, and from Brent’s recently retired Chief Executive Carolyn Downs, through the Executive and to the Leader of the Council, Brent has appreciated the need to adapt to the 001110001 world we now live in. Hence the recent win of the Local Government Chronicle Digital Impact Award.

With ambitious and supportive Leaders, the teams I’ve come into contact with since lockdown have been empowered to stop talking and make s*** happen!

That’s led to innovative partnerships such as Take Your Shot Studios, having an instant, and potentially long-lasting impact on the local economy.

The Studios are dedicated to Digital Enterprises, and Brent has been authentically involved since I was drawing up floorplans, through the refurb, the launch event, and utilising it’s comms team to alert local Entrepreneurs and potential partners.

Take Your Shot Studios is a dynamic creative space. Nestled within Wembley Park, this state-of-the-art facility boasts a range of professional-grade amenities, including a content and photography studio. It serves as a haven for aspiring Digital Enterpreneurs to grow their visions.

  1. Empowering Talent: a deep commitment to empowering female and minority talent, recognising the immense potential and creativity that resides within communities. Providing access to high-quality facilities and industry expertise, TYSS offers tools to unleash that potential and pursue their ambitions.

  2. Collaborative Environment: Collaboration fosters a vibrant and supportive community, encouraging people to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

  3. Guidance and Mentorship: TYSS recognizes the importance of mentorship and guidance in nurturing talent. It offers workshops, masterclasses, and mentorship programs facilitated by industry professionals, enabling Entrepreneurs to gain valuable insights into their chosen fields.

  4. Showcasing Talent: TYSS AMPLIFIES the talents of Digital Entrepreneurs. It actively promotes the work of its community members through its app, website, social media, events, showcases and Brent Council communications. These opportunities allow the enterprises to gain exposure, build portfolios, and connect with wider business and consumer audiences, opening doors to growth opportunities.

Natwest is partnering Slenky and TYSS to deliver a series of business workshops at the Studios and online.

The pilot, ‘Identifying and Reaching New Markets’ went down really well and the Studios have since also widened access to the workshops to entrepreneurs not residing at TYSS.

Suppliers, Partners and Social Value

I’m trying not to write a testimonial for a council, but culture change is easier when demonstrated first at leadership level.

Before officially taking up her new role, Brent’s new Chief Exec, Kim Wright, came over to experience TYSS, and meet some of the Entrepreneurs. Fair to say she loved it, and has empowered her team at the council to step with confidence into this new lane, in partnership.

And on we go…. next is the dream of most Councils - utilising procurement to help suppliers really deliver local social value - and local opportunities.



Birmingham’s Finest - Thank You Izzes


You’re Wide Awake? Don’t worry, it’s kinda like Bad meaning Good