Cubet Techno Labs
Slenky India?
Last week, Slenky unveiled the ‘Take Your Shot Zone’ at the ‘Brent Works Wembley Job Fair’ at Wembley Stadium.
Our aim was to modernise the traditional careers event by transitioning it to a more accessible and sustainable digital format, allowing opportunity seekers to use their mobile devices to connect with employers and businesses offering opportunities.
We also unveiled the latest upgrades to the Slenky platform and app.
Why Cubet Techno Labs
Our technology partner, Cubet, has opened a London office to support their growing operations in India and the USA.
Cubet is at the forefront of Software Development, AI, and Data solutions, showcasing only a fraction of their extensive expertise. Moreover, they are an exceptional team to collaborate with!
We’ve noted from Slenky search data that young people are increasingly seeking early career pathways in these specific tech domains.
In response to this trend, we engaged a supplier to also inspire larger organisations currently discussing how to achieve supplier social value.
Our collaboration with Cubet on the Slenky upgrade has been incredibly close, and we are thrilled that they decided to offer an AI Shot.